- 직급
- 교수
- 전화
- 033-640-2383
- 메일
- mskang@gwnu.ac.kr
- 사이트
- http://knuee.gwnu.ac.kr/~mskang/welcome.html
- 전공
- Computer Networking
- 학력
- 연세대학교 공학사, 연세대학교 공학박사
- Ph.D. Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University
- Post_Doc at Dept. of EE, University of Pennsylvania,USA
- Visiting Research Professor at Dept. of CIS, Purdue University,USA
- Research Associate, at Dept. of ECE, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
- High Speed/High Performance Networking Architecture
- QoS Control for Wireless Access Networks
- Multimedia Traffic Modeling and Analysis
- Multicast Routing and Traffic Control
- Member of IEEE Computer/Communication Society.
- Member of KITE(Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics)
- Member of KICS(Korea Institute of Communication Sciences)
- Member of Acoustical Society
- Member of The Korea Broadcasting Engineers and Tec